Monday, April 25, 2016

Love and Lead

Ephesians 5:
21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.

Just as my mission in life is to know God, to love him, to believe him, to claim his promises and to run the race persevering to the end to win the prize to be with him forever the fullness of salvation and to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 

As a husband by priority is to love Ivanna and to give myself up for her in the hope that she would have all that as well: to know God more, to love him, to believe him, to claim his promises, to obey in joy, to run the race of faith and to run to the very end. Its the gift of God, not mine to give, but how can I love and lead and sacrifice and serve to help towards this end? How can I encourage, how can I set the example, how can I run with her, suffer with Ivanna. 

Jesus teach me to lead. Jesus teach me to love. Jesus teach me to follow you. Help me to love and lead in such a way as it helps Ivanna follow you!

Teach me to talk and act in grace and truth. 
Teach me to find sustenance in your Word with such joy. 
Teach me to see the spritual reality. Teach me to see the opportunities for faithfulness around me and the people I have the opportunity to invest in. 
Teach me to view sin as you do. To see how evil and destructive it is. Teach me to hate sin. 
Teach me your heart of compassion. 
Teach me to work for the things that will last. Teach me to endure in joyful work as you work Jesus and as you work Father
Teach me how the scriptures are not just learning, but that they help me know you God and Jesus Christ, for to know you is eternal life
Teach me to really love you more and more God. I want to live in the fullness of your love and dance in the joy of loving you Lord and live in the love you have for others, for each individual. 

Teach me not just to know, but to obey and live this way with joy. I have no desire to be a scholar, but I want to be the kind of person you have made me to be. For you have made us all to be like your Son Jesus Christ. As I follow you Christ, I pray it might in some way help Ivanna and others. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Love vs Time: which one will last forever?

God brought this idea up as I prayed and asked him to teach me a new perspective on time. God thank you for answering my prayers! Its been a long season of feeling stuck in my thinking about time and not feeling like it lines up with your view on time God. 

Here is what I am thinking: Perhaps the mindset shift I need is to know and believe that time is not what makes a difference in the world. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. Time is simply one context one part of the expression of love. But time is not love and love is greater than time. The power God has given me is not my time, its my love. 

Its 1 Corinthians 13:

If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.

I have read it so many times but it didn't hit me until now. 

The Spirit says to me: 
If I live a whole life of faith and obedience, but do not have love, I am nothing. 
If I give all my time to the poor and discipleship and evangelism and give my purpose over to God's work that I may feel important, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 

for Love unlike everything else in this world is eternal. 
1 Corinthians 13:
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

My days are numbered, my time is passing like a mist. It will be gone in the blink of an eye. For that is the irony: the thing I hold tightest and try to use so fully is the one thing that is so certainly passing away minute by minute hour by hour day by day. Here today and gone tomorrow. 

My days are numbered, but If I love then love will last forever, it will never fail, it will never cease, it will never pass away. 

So God I pray: teach me to love as you loved me, teach me to love others as you love them. 

1 Peter 1:8-9 pt 2

  1. Hmm that's cool I didn't even remember what came after chapter 1. In particular in relation to this verse 8 the context of all of 1 Peter repeating multiple times the language of chosen but exiles. Foreigners and exiles in the world, but accepted in the house of the Lord is so interesting. It really speaks to this crazy idea that this world is so temporary and not lasting. But eternal life is real and lasting. But in the face of this world and life and temptation and suffering we feel like the opposite is true, we feel God is far off, that heaven is a fairy tale. But the reality is we must live in faith that what we do not see is real and what we hope for is certain and that the world that seems so real around us is in fact perishable and uncertain and untrustworthy. That there are better and lasting riches in heaven and even gold will fade away. 
  2. Read the verse several times
    • It is an amazing thing that we love god and believe when we have not seen him. 
    • God I thank you for Ivanna in my life her abundance of love towards me blows my mind and helps me to understand your love for me more and it's crazy that you love me with a Perfect and good love and you know what's best for me. God I thank you for relationship in this life that helps us experience and understand your love for us and our relationship to you since it is hard when we don't see you
  3. Discuss the verse with God
    1. God it strikes me how much we worry about things we haven't seen and yet struggle to believe in what is promised. 
    2. God I want to continue to grow in faith to really love you and believe your promises and live in your joy! 
    3. What does love mean in our relationship with God?
      1. What can I learn from marriage in this: 
      2. Its a covenant a commitment. 
      3. Its growing. 
      4. Its a knowing of each other
      5. its a journey of experiences together
      6. It means sticking through the hard things and sharing the good things. 
      7. Its a feeling
      8. Its a constant choice: a way of living and actions and intentionality. 
      9. Its an engagement: preparing for the fullness of togetherness with God in in the new heaven and the new earth - for then I will see God and know him as he knows me fully
      10. Its a long term covenant relationship. Its not a sprint. 
        1. I don't have to run till I drop. 
        2. I need to run for the long race, run for the prize. 
        3. Its not about how I spend this week or my hours 
        4. Its about who I am becoming. 
        5. God teach me to run this race with the end goal in mind: to be with you forever. 
    4. God I cry out for you to change my heart and my perspective on time. I want to love you and love Ivanna and others like Steve Hodge loved his 3 children. 
    5. What if at the end of the race I looked back and it is only a few lives I have really loved really discipled, really invested in. Would I be proud to have run that race? 
    6. God I pray that I would be faithful with those you place around me and that I would not sit idly back but be pursuing and loving the people around me and discipling those who are willing. 
  4. Say verse out loud a lot
    1. Learn topic & reference first  - 
      1. 1 Peter 1:8
      2. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 
      3.  Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 

    2. Start with the first phrase
      1. Though you have not seen him,
        1. I have never seen God
      2. you love him
        1. I love him, I am devoted and committed to God. I hold him closest and highest. 
      3. even though you do not see him now, 
        1. In the midst of each circumstance each joy and trouble the question is do I believe in him. Do I believe his promises not only are true but are true for me and are true for others. 
        2. Do I believe he is who he says he is. 
        3. Do I believe Jesus Christ didn't hurry. That though he had only 3 years of ministry he did not desperately run from place to place and person to person. 
          1. That Jesus had to make choices with his time. And what he chose with his time is people. The 12 and the 3 especially and the women. 
          2. Jesus always made time for others, but he did life and discipleship with a few. 
          3. He taught thousands, but was ok discipling a few. 
          4. What if I had this kind of clarity: who I am, where I am from and where I am going and the mission the purpose in between. 
          5. To say my beginning is Christ and my end is to be with God forever to dwell in his house, his light, his kingdom his rule and reign, his joy as he wipes away every tear. 
            1. Yes I can say my beginning and end. 
          6. I can say I am here on earth proving the genuiness of my faith to myself, proving that I really believe what I just said. 
          7. And who I am becoming is like Christ
          8. and Christ's love compels me that he loved me so greatly that I want others to know this love to know his love and to know him
          9. Perhaps the mindset shift I need is to know and believe that time is not what makes a difference in the world. Love is the most powerful thing in the world. Time is simply one context one part of the expression of love. But time is not love and love is greater than time. The power God has given me is not my time, its my love. 
    3. Add phrases
  5. Think about how the verse applies to me and my daily circumstances
  6. Make it the goal to know the topic, reference and verse word perfect
  7. Write verse out
  8. Review frequently over the next few days

Principles for Meditating on a verse of scripture 

1 Pray 
2 Verse - memorization
3 Paraphrase verse in as few words as you can
4 Ask questions
5 Pray and ask God to help you understand his Word, that His Spirit would give you cross references and clarity so that you understand and can claim the promises and obey the commands
6 Emphasize parts of the verse or words focus. 
7 Context -  What is this book in the bible about? What is this paragraph about? What is the context of the topics in the verses? How does this fit in with the rest of the bible?
8 Cross references – that are relevant and help you understand 
9 What truth is the Spirit speaking to me to help me understand and apply this to my life. 
10 Praise God!

11 Live it out! How is God calling you to live this out in tangible ways this week

Sunday, April 10, 2016

1 Peter 1: 8-9 Memorizing and Meditating part 1

I am digging into 1 Peter 1:8 with some guys! I am just going to blog through my process of memorizing and meditating because the steps and writing out my response to those steps helps me memorize and go beyond that to meditating and understanding and hearing the Spirit bring up how this relates to my life.

I thought I had the verse memorized, but man it took a few minutes for it to come to me:
Though you have not seen him you love him, and even though you do not see him now you believe in him and you are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy,

Lets check: 1 Peter 1:8 NIV
 Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, 

Pretty close! I always was bad with commas and grammar. 

  1. Read context:
    • Its been awesome to go through 1 peter verse by verse. Its amazing how fast I forget things. The context that really jumps out at me is what is this verse even about it kind of seems random. But knowing the context of the verse before talking about proven genuine of faith and the flow of the passage starting in verse 3 of a continuous thought about the life and promises we have in God even as we suffer in this life, but our suffering has meaning: the refining of our faith. So maybe this verse is a continuation of this topic. Maybe its about what this faith in verse 7 is. 
  2. What does the verse mean?
    • Going along that thinking this verse to me is a definition of genuine faith. It means it is hard to really love God when we don't see him tangibly in the way we see a friend or family or spouse. It is really hard to keep believing when we still don't see God. Especially in a season or challenge of suffering. That's real faith to me to believe even when we don't see God, to endure when we don't see God answering our questions and hardship. To hope when the times seem hopeless. To rejoice in the spiritual blessings of Christ even in emotional and physically painful situations. 
    • Its amazing even though a few months ago we studied the chapters and whole book of 1 Peter, but I remember so little of it. It just baffles me how slow of a learner I am and how little I remember. I think its funny at Second Mile that Chad recognizes going slowly through 1 Corinthians. Because I have really come to love going verse by verse which takes years to get through a short book like 1 Peter. Even thinking back to the great studies in college and manuscripting and reading through a lot of the stories and parables in the gospels probably 6 times each I just remember them so little and some not at all. I feel like our culture and church loves learning so much and thinks that if we just know more we will be more spiritual or better off. But I really think going slowly and learning to obey is so much more fruitful. But anyways I am getting off on a tangent here. IN my own journey through 1 Peter: I want to review the whole book and look at the outline and key points to help me remember the bigger context here. 
Here was my outline for 1 Peter:

1.     It all starts for us with the hope of salvation:
a.     Praise him
b.     Remember the promises God made
c.     Endure Suffering – Rejoice in the hope of salvation
                                               i.     Suffering is a refining of our faith which has great value eternally
                                             ii.     Faith is to love him though we don’t see him, to believe in him and rejoice though we still do not see him even as we suffer
d.     This salvation is the greatest thing ever – the prophets and angels long to see it
e.     Its who you are – you have been born again
2.     Step 1: Living this new life. What it really means to be “born again”
a.     Set your hope on the grace to come again in Jesus Christ
b.     Be obedient children
c.     Be Holy as our Father is Holy
d.     Live as foreigners on earth but children of God
e.     Why live the new Life?
                                               i.     We were redeemed by the precious blood of Christ
                                             ii.     He was chosen at the beginning but revealed now
f.      It is through Christ that we believe in God who raised Christ from the dead
g.     Summary: Living this new life is to purify yourself by obeying the truth so that we have sincere love.
h.     We have been born again. We are a new person. Born of the living and enduring Word of God.
                                               i.     The Word of God is eternal and so we have been born again eternal!
                                             ii.     So now what: now that you started loving: Love one another deeply from the heart
3.     Step 2: Grow up in your salvation
a.     Rid yourselves of heart issues: all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, slander
b.     Crave pure spiritual milk from the Lord we now know is good
c.     As we come to him, rejected by the world: We will be built into a spiritual house
                                               i.     For Christ is the cornerstone
                                             ii.     He is precious to us and those who do not believe are rejected from the house
d.     Contrast between those who believe: obedience vs disobedience
                                               i.     Chosen people vs those that stumble and fall
                                             ii.     Foreigners in the world but accepted in the house of the Lord
e.     Continue to live as foreigners and exiles to the world: abstaining from the sinful desires that wage war against your soul.
                                               i.     We are now the people of God
f.      Live such good lives before the world: that though they oppose  and accuse:
4.     Practical instructions for living
a.     Wives
b.     Husbands
c.     Everyone
d.     In Suffering
5.     Suffering
a.     Living dead to sin
b.     Free to love
c.     Righteousness
d.     Enduring – receiving the blessing
6.     Roles
a.     Elders
b.     Younger - submit

  1. Hmm that's cool I didn't even remember what came after chapter 1. In particular in relation to this verse 8 the context of all of 1 Peter repeating multiple times the language of chosen but exiles. Foreigners and exiles in the world, but accepted in the house of the Lord is so interesting. It really speaks to this crazy idea that this world is so temporary and not lasting. But eternal life is real and lasting. But in the face of this world and life and temptation and suffering we feel like the opposite is true, we feel God is far off, that heaven is a fairy tale. But the reality is we must live in faith that what we do not see is real and what we hope for is certain and that the world that seems so real around us is in fact perishable and uncertain and untrustworthy. That there are better and lasting riches in heaven and even gold will fade away. 
  2. Read the verse several times

  3. Discuss the verse with God
    1.  ask for God’s help
  4. Say verse out loud a lot
    1. Learn topic & reference first
    2. Start with the first phrase
    3. Add phrases
  5. Think about how the verse applies to me and my daily circumstances
  6. Make it the goal to know the topic, reference and verse word perfect
  7. Write verse out
  8. Review frequently over the next few days

Principles for Meditating on a verse of scripture

1 Pray 
2 Verse - memorization
3 Paraphrase verse in as few words as you can
4 Ask questions
5 Pray and ask God to help you understand his Word, that His Spirit would give you cross references and clarity so that you understand and can claim the promises and obey the commands
6 Emphasize parts of the verse or words focus. 
7 Context -  What is this book in the bible about? What is this paragraph about? What is the context of the topics in the verses? How does this fit in with the rest of the bible?
8 Cross references – that are relevant and help you understand
9 What truth is the Spirit speaking to me to help me understand and apply this to my life. 
10 Praise God!

11 Live it out! How is God calling you to live this out in tangible ways this week